General information

Year 1998 - 2003
Brand Subaru
Engine 0.7T (64Hp)
Body type Hatchback
Model Pleo I
Doors -
Seats -

Body Features

Length 3395 mm
Width 1475 mm
Height 1580 mm
Wheelbase 2310
Weight 1580 kg
Max width -
Boot capacity -

Engine Transmission

Engine 658
Engine kw 47 kw
Engine hp 63 hp
Torque 47 N*m/rpm
Fuel supply Injection
Cylinders -
Cylinders diameter 56 mm
Valves in cylinders -
Gears -
Fuel A-95
Fuel capacity 32 liters
Eco standart -


Front brakes -
Rear brakes -
Tires 145/70 R12
Wheels -

Running Features

Max speed 130 km/h
Acceleration -
Fuel town -
Fuel road -
Fuel average -
VKPyzPLc year ago
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